Sins of a solar empire vasari

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The unknown enemy’s rate of expansion far exceeded even that of the entire Dark Fleet. As deliberations proceeded on how best to deal with the traitorous acts, another series of planets were lost, including their world of origin. Internal Intelligence concluded that a renegade force from within the Vasari engineered a revolt. The probability of multiple, simultaneous, and successful rebellions was exceptionally remote.

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Instead, three more planets dropped from the communications grid.

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They immediately requested a wing of the Dark Fleet to restore order but no status reports were ever received. When the first of the inner planets fell, analysts initially assumed that the local species had somehow managed to rebel. The Vasari locked each planet down and ruled from vast orbital structures, finding a minimal surface presence more effective for both production and the minimization of rebellion. Once conquered, most species were integrated into the Vasari social structure as “valued citizens”. Those who had expanded into space were quickly exterminated. Most species encountered were young enough to be subjugated peacefully, although, some resisted and were harshly enslaved.

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Beginning at the galactic core, the empire expanded uniformly, brought hundreds of alien races under its control, and showed no signs of slowing down. The ancient Vasari Empire once ruled over countless worlds.